During pregnancy, different questions will bother our mind: How our baby looks like?Whether our unborn kid is a boy or a girl? Which type of eye color he/she can possess? etc. When it comes to baby gender prediction, there will be various ways to do that such as using a wedding ring, checking the baby’s heartbeat, identifying the morning sickness, and so forth. Have you ever tried with Vedic Astrology Prediction once? To be designed for any childbirth-related purpose, this chart will be one of the useful and effective methods of determining the baby’s sex.
Baby Gender Determination via Vedic Astrology
There will be many simple rules which govern the gender determination of the babies. For the boy nativity, the first kid will be determined by the lord of the 5th house from Saptamsa Lagna while for the girl nativity, the first kid will be identified by the 9th house lord from Saptamsa Lagna.
Furthermore, for the male nativity, subsequent baby will be determined by the lords of every 3rd house from the 5th in the direct order. As a result, the second child will be identified from the lord of the 7th house, the third kid from the 9th house lord and the fourth child from the 11th house lord, etc.
In the same taste, for the female nativity, the subsequent baby will be determined by the lords of the every 3rd house from the 9th in the reverse order. As a consequence, the second child will be identified from the lord of the 7th house, the third kid from the 5th house lord and the fourth child from the 3rd lord, etc.
A boy baby will be forecasted if the lord of the child is:
A girl baby will be predicted in case the lord of the child is:
- Placed in the even sign, Aquarius or Gemini.
- Conjunct the Moon, Mercury, Ketu, Venus (known as feminine planets) or Saturn.
- Debilitated or conjoins the debilitated planets.
Time for childbirth
- It is believed that birth of babies will happen during the Dasa of planets that have Argala on Saptamsa Lagnesh.
- Any individual child will be welcomed during the Antardasa of the lord of the baby, its depositor or the lords of the 8th or 3rd from the Lagna. If there is a conflict between the indications of the Aaptamsa of the soon-to-be mother and father, the results need to be prophesied from the male horoscope.
- In general, a boy kid will be born in 6 Rasi compared with the Kendra/Kona from Janma Rasi of Saptamsa of dad. For instance, the Janma Rasi of the son will be the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th from Saptamsa Rasi of the dad. In addition, a girl kid will be born with the remaining 6 Rasi such as 3rd, 6th, 11th or 12th from the Saptamsa moon of the father.
In short, along with this chart, some people have a tendency to use Chinese Gender Prediction chart – one of the simple and efficient ways to determine the child’s sex. In fact, we can find it easy to search for this chart on the Internet. All things we need are to remember the month of getting conception and our exact age at the conception. It is time to use two charts to have a fascinating comparison of these charts’ usefulness and effectiveness.
To explore more information about this topic “Vedic Astrology Prediction For Baby Gender”, don’t hesitate to leave your concerns in the box here.
My DOB is 13.07.1981 & my wife’s DOB is 08.08.1983. I have a girl who born on 14.09.2010. The last MC date of my wife was 20.01.2014 & now she is pregnant. What will be gender of upcoming child ? Kindly reply me soon.
My DOB is 13.07.1981 & my wife’s DOB is 08.08.1983. I have a girl child who born on 14.09.2010. The last MC date of my wife was 20.01.2014 & now she is pregnant. What will be gender of upcoming child ? Kindly reply me soon.
My DOB is 21.05.1983& my wife’s DOB is 28.09.1996I have a girl who born on 22.09.2011. The last MC date of my wife was 05.11.2015 & now she is pregnant. What will be gender of upcoming child ? Kindly reply me soon.
My date of birth is 28 July 1991 and time is 2.50 PM, and my husband’s date of birth is 24 March 1989.
I am pregnant now. Can I know the gender of my baby. My due date is 25 June 2016.
my date of birth 26.6.1985 my husband dop 27.6.1975 my last period date 23.11.2015 which baby
My date of birth 15 aug.1990,time is 12:5 in aftrnoon and my husband date of birth is 29oct.1988,time is 6:00 in evening.my last lmp.was 19 nov.and my due date is on 25 aug.pls tell me the gender of my baby .
My Date of Birth is 31st May 1978, and my husband date of birth is 03rd April 1973, My LMP is 20.07.2016 and EDD is 26.04.2017. please tell me the gender of my baby.
Please what gender am I having? My DOB is 8/2/84 while that of my husband is 14/5/81. I conceived around 5th of April. Thanks. All dates are based on gregorian calende.
Similar to the Chinese gender prediction chart and the Mayan gender chart, the Indian gender prediction method claims to deliver true predictions for a baby’s gender. The catch here is that it might help you get an answer, but this is just a prediction!