It is believed that bring a newborn into this Earth is an extremely life-changing and exciting decision, yet it may also be filled with uncertainty and anxiety. There are many things for couples to consider such as family support, lifestyle changes, financial capacity, etc. In some cases, it can be one of the biggest irreversible decisions that we and our spouse will ever make in our lifetime.
No matter how different India’s culture can be, prevailing norms in all Indians may confirm the necessity of beginning one’s family as soon as possible. We are living in the patriarchal society, so the pressure for becoming pregnant seems to never let up. After enjoying the sweetness of the honeymoon, we can find it easy to receive the question like “When do you get the good news?” from everyone around us.
A delay in getting pregnant sometimes may play havoc on our marital life. Furthermore, the stress may put extra strain on the relationship with our spouse and in-laws. As a consequence, before starting to plan for pregnancy, we should turn to Vedic astrology in order to know which destiny has in store for us and our future kids.
Normally, Vedic Astrology or Jyotish Shastra signifying the science of light has originated in the ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas. Here will be the key Jyotisha indicators used to predict and enlighten some women about the possibilities and drawbacks of having babies:
Indian Vedic Astrology and its brief glimpse
Fifth House in Horoscope
It is supposed that this house in our horoscope is able to show the fascinating prospects of getting pregnant. A close association of ideal planets with the 5th house such as Jupiter, Moon or Venus can support in the healthy growth of the fetus whilst the malefic and dry planets like Ketu, Rahu, Sun or Mars can not be favorable to childbirth.
Jupiter – the Significator for Babies
Jupiter ruling the 2 Zodiac signs such as Sagittarius and Pisces will be the main Significator for children. In the horoscope, if Jupiter is weak, and placed in conjunction with malefic planets such as Ketu, Saturn or Rahu or in a malefic house like 6th, 8th or 12th houses, it can deter the chance of childbirth.
Barren or Fruitful Zodiac Signs
Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are described as the fruitful signs for childbirth while Aries, Leo and Virgo are known as the barren ones. More importantly, the remaining signs will offer the mixed result. Therefore, if our 5th house is at the cusp of the barren sign, we can be denied the prospects of becoming expectant mothers.
Placement of Moon
If our Moon is sitting in the fifth house, and receives the favorable aspects or/and association of other planets, let’s smile since we can be blessed with lots of the kids. Nevertheless, any impact from evil planets such as Rahu, Saturn or Ketu may act as a major deterrent to getting pregnant.
D-7 or Saptamasha Chart
It is supposed to be a continuation of the birth horoscope or the birth chart. Surprisingly, it can give the deeper insights into issues relating to children like, baby’s gender, impregnation, child’s comfort, grandchildren and so forth. In this wonderful chart, a Zodiac sign will be split into 4 equal parts of 4 degrees 17 minutes.
As a result, according to Vedic Astrology, the 5th house of our horoscope will be the major determinant of our children. Additionally, some factors such as strength and placement of the fifth house lord, the sign at the cusp of fifth house, the strength of Jupiter in horoscope and D-7 or Saptamasha chart may assist us in predicting our future kids and bliss from them. Any believer or follower is advised to consult the experienced or expert Vedic astrologers before making plan for pregnancy or in any case of miscarriages, having trouble in conception, etc.
For more details about this subject “Indian Vedic Astrology – Childbirth And Gender Prediction”, don’t be hesitant to write all of your queries in the box here.
My birth of 16/may/1981 and my last conception date 11/jan/2014 based on my conceive weather is boy or girl please reply me
Thnaks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate
Hello, my dob is 06/02/1986…i have a daughter aged 5 years…i am waiting for a baby boy to be born. Can u plz tell me if there is a chance of me having blessed with a boy…
My birthday ⁴th november1979 . I have 3 boys like to have baby gil
Hello, my DOB 30/8/1986 I have 1 daughter, I m waiting for a baby boy, pls tell me for right time for a boy..
Hello, my DOB 19/1/1980 I have 1 daughter, I m waiting for a baby boy, pls tell me for right time for a boy..
My date of birth is 19.01.1980 and already i am having one girl, now waiting for boy baby , is it possible
I already have a girl. I am pregnant with hope having a boy. it’s possible or not
my DOB is 18/4/1983
my date of birth is 06/08/1979.i have a baby lmp is 03/08/2014.whethr boy or girl.plz tell me
I am trying for a child for 2 years when will we have child . my dob is 13-05-1984 time is 12 afternoon place banda (mp). My husband dob is 07-03-1980
My date of birth is 12 th July 1980 ,and my husband date of birth is this1 may 1975,my last period date started at 11 th Feb 2015,predict i will have girl or boy. Doctor have given me due date on 24/11/2015
Hi. My Dob is Jun-06-1992.I have already two baby girls.I want 1 baby plss tell me right time.
I have been married 3 years, and i am planning to get a baby. But i don’t know when is the perfect time to be pregnant.
My date of birth is 26/ 2/ 1985
Thank you
my birth date is 3 aug 1976 i was preghant at the month of 23.1.2015 so please teel me what i
My birth of 03/aug/1976 and my last conception date 26/jan/2015 based on my conceive weather is boy or girl please reply me
Hi,My date of birth is 06/06/1988.Time of birth 05:30 AM POB: Tuticorin,india and my husband dob is 08/05/1981.Time of birth is03:01 PM, POB: Tuticorin,india now waiting for a boy baby , is it possible
My date of birth is 29th October 1979. I am currently pregnant (6 moths completed), I wanted to know whether I am carrying boy or girl?
good day sir , my dob is dec 29 dec 1981 place of birth palampur hp please i have beautiful girl and planning for second baby and hope to be baby boy please guie through
I’m father of two angels, now trying for one baby boy, my wife is born on 15sep1984 in india .
her periods just started on 30jan2016
please advice in details for method and days to conceive and which are the days to intercourse.
Hello I m three months pregnant.. My last LMP is22/11/2015 and my bday is 8/6/1981..please help me my baby is boy or girl…? Please reply soon.. Thanks
my date of birth is 4 july 1984….have one girl child want baby boy plz syggust me date for conception
My date of birth is 17.8.81 when I have get baby boy
my age is 29 ,I have a girl baby ,I need a baby boy ,when is the right time
My DOB is 7/10/1985…having a girl 3.8 yrs…nw again conceived…last LMP 29/6/2016….what would i have?
DOB 02/02/1984 last period 10/01/1/2017 concvied around 14 to 20 Jan 2017 what will baby gender?
DOB 03/01/1984 last period 10/01/1977 concvied around 14 to 20 Jan what will baby gender?