Believe it or not, 13 weeks pregnant symptoms may easily be felt by most of the women during their pregnancy. One of the primacy reasons here is that there can be the bold signs in these women in order that almost all of them may feel it easily. Nevertheless, for ones who get pregnant in the …
18 Weeks Pregnant
At the present time, have we been 18 weeks pregnant, but still confused about what has been happening inside us? In fact, pregnancy always requires parents-to-be to equip themselves with great knowledge about their growing baby so that they’re able to detect anything unusual and dangerous as soon as …
16 Weeks Pregnant
It has been truly 16 weeks into our pregnancy, and we do not really know what to expect. There seem to be many nagging questions in our mind, such as "What is happening to my little angel inside me?", "What are some problems I could face?" and so forth. Don't be hesitant to consult this article …
20 Weeks Pregnant
During 20 weeks of pregnancy we have got a heavyweight in our belly. Our little angel weighs about ten ounces, and has a height of six and a half inches. Funnily, it can make us think of an image of a small cantaloupe. While our unborn kid is surely getting bigger, there will be still plenty of …