How about our unborn baby in week 10 of pregnancy? At that time, our baby has the size of the prune, and he has the small indentations on his legs that will become knees and ankles soon! His tiny arms have elbows which can bend. Beside his lovely mouth, the tiny buds of his teeth are likely to be …
food cravings
5 Weeks Pregnant
When it comes to week 5, you get the positive evidence proving that you're pregnant indeed. Baby's Existence in Week 5 of Pregnancy Now, the baby grows as the teeny tadpole being in the size of an orange seed. The tiny body covers the blood and circulatory system that is in …
8 Weeks Pregnant
How about our unborn baby in week 8 of pregnancy? Look! Our baby is developing at a surprising rate (approximately a millimeter per day) with the size of a large raspberry. He looks like a reptilian, even if he has webbed toes and fingers. Interesting, at that moment, he is more baby-like since his …