Historically, like almost all of the Asian countries, China has been considered as an agricultural society. That is one of the primary reasons why the Chinese have liked to have a baby boy, rather than a baby girl.
Believe it or not, since the ancient times, the Chinese have been extremely curious to discover whether their unborn babies have been females or males.
Maybe for this reason, they had even widely used a chart called the Chinese gender prediction chart.
If you now have a baby developing in your body, do you want to know whether the baby is boy or girl? Or, if you are planning to conceive, you ll get excited to conceive the baby of your desire gender. Whether boy or girl, they will add new color to your life phases with the unconditional love.
Anyway, it is fun to take advantage of the Chinese gender chart 2024 to find out the gender of your unborn child.
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What is Chinese Gender Chart?

Dating back to the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1912), this ancient chart was allegedly kept by the royal power and only used by nobles and concubines. It was supposed to be around 700 years ago. Later on, when the Eight Nation Alliance invaded China with the military forces, they took the chart to England. Then, it was translated into English for the public use.
In fact, its original version has been preserved at the Beijing Institute of Science in China. If you have chance to come to Beijing, don t forget to give it a look!
Convincingly, Chinese gender cart is the oldest method of baby s gender prediction.
Today, we can find it really easy to search for many versions of this gender chart on the Internet. There have been a lot of debates going on the accuracy of its prediction, and someone from the medical fraternity tends to advise the couples not to take it too seriously.
Nevertheless, reports from China have noticed that the gender calendar has been able to guess correctly in more than 50% of cases.
Although in the Western countries, people can have many better options since there is no restriction on babies genders, in the Asian countries, baby girls seem to be looked as a liability; thus, this chart can be of very important to some couples.
How to Use Chinese Gender Prediction Chart?

Before availing this Chinese gender calendar, the first thing to keep in mind is that this chart tends to be based on the lunar cycle.
Therefore, it is really necessary to know the lunar age of the mother to get the baby s sex prediction accurately. The second step is to know the month of conception.
What s next?
You re able to guess the gender of the baby through matching the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception with the month where the baby was conceived.
Keep in mind this chart only works for the expectant women who are in the group of ages from 18 to 45.
As its name has noted, the ancient chart is primarily used to guess the unborn baby s gender before they are born. For this purpose, the mother s lunar age and month of conception must be calculated first to trace the correspondent box labeled by either letters or colors.
If you have an empty head about how to convert the Gregorian age into the Chinese one, it is encouraged to work with the Online Lunar Age Calculator for the quick conversion.
Thanks to the great assistance from the online sources, the mothers from all corners of the globe find it extremely easy to work with the gender chart.
According to the Chinese lunar calendar, ones should normally add 1 year to their Gregorian age to obtain the lunar age as wishes. For instance, if you re now 23 years old, the Chinese age of yours must be 24, in general. Besides, notice that the Chinese count the first 9 months spent in the wombs as the baby s age. That means the newborn baby is already 1 year old after coming to life!
When moving in both horizontal and vertical sides, the moms easily find the box indicating the predicted gender.
In case of a 26-year-old woman pregnant in January, then she will end up with the box labeled by letter B (Boy), not G (Girl). Otherwise, if she conceives in February, her baby will be a Girl with the G-indicated box.
Does it make sense?
With the easy navigation and vivid layout, the ancient Chinese gender chart aids the mamas-to-be in soothing their racing mind and feeling better via the new perspectives about the coming children.
Learn how to conceive baby boy twins using Chinese birth chart!
*Please note: The Chinese lunar calendar consists of some leap months within years. So, in connection with the time of getting pregnant, legend says that women should avoid conception during the leap months.
Read the Gender Prediction Chart with Ease

It is very smart to equip yourself with the basic interpretations of the chart.
Find an authentic Chinese Birth Chart in the top-visited sites. It must be well-designed with the clear and elegant layout. Don t go with the excessively colorful chart as it may make you dizzy and confused.
- Locate the mother s age on the left side of the chart
- Specify the month of conception on the top side
- Follow the located row and the specified column to find the corresponding spot where they meet and intersect.
The found box will give you the answer with the labeled letters or colors: B for Boy, G for Girl; M for Male, F for Female; Blue for Boy, Pink for Girl.
In comparison with the authentic Chinese birth chart, a vast majority of the online versions are much more simplified and friendly.
How Accurate is Chinese Gender Prediction Chart?
In some reports, the chart is said to be up to 83% accurate.
As mentioned above, the accuracy of this Chinese gender prediction calendar has been a powerful contention between its critics and proponents. In general, the proponents of this chart state that its accuracy tends to be close to around 80-90% and the chart can be of the immense value because it has survived for 700 years.
On the other side, its critics are known to be of the view that this calendar is naive on the part of someone to believe in a chart, rather than exploring the baby s sex via the medical tests.
Amazingly, the Chinese gender chart claims to tell us the gender of our kid even before we conceive. That can explain why the skeptics have a tendency to pooh-pooh this system and advise individuals to undergo the tests in order to know the sexes of their babies.
Though the Chinese gender prediction accuracy can be subjective, dozens of people around the world have believed that it can guess their babies sexes accurately.
Of course, this will be no way which undermines the role of the medical science in gender prediction. Furthermore, this chart may be put to abuse in some countries with the high rates of female infanticide. Someone is able even to contemplate aborting their kids in case the chart guesses the baby girl.
As a result, reading this article, and we should get a better understanding of the Chinese gender prediction system so that we can avoid any misconception.
Bear in mind that this chart s forecasts will not always be accurate at any time!
Chinese Gender Chart as the Preconception Tool
The additional function of the most accurate Chinese birth chart that is worth mentioning alludes to the possibility of baby s gender predetermination. As the effective preconception tool, the chart helps a couple to plan for the ideal baby-making sex during some advantages months.
For example, if you are a 28-year-old woman and are craving for a baby boy, it is stimulated to have sex ideally during the months of January, March, July, August, September, and October.
Take notice of this point so that you can select to conceive a boy or a girl before conception.
How to get pregnant with a BOY?
To increase the probability of conceiving a boy baby, an 18-year-old woman (Chinese age) should conceive during the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th month. A woman of age 21, on the contrary, has the least chance unless she conceives during the first month of Chinese calendar.
How to conceive a GIRL?
According to Chinese chart, a 21-year-old woman has the highest chance of giving birth to a baby girl. Those of the age 18 and 30 have the least chance of getting pregnant with a female baby unless conception happens during the 1st or 3rd month and 3rd or 5th month respectively.
As the chart is universally utilized and followed by the huge number of mothers, it is impossible to deny the insights from such the ancient tool. However, do not adhere to the predicted outcomes seriously because none takes responsibility for the chart s level of accuracy.
Sometimes it is the matter of luck to grasp the accurate prediction and clues from the chart.
Therefore, rest assured that you use the Chinese tool for entertainment purposes and never aim to devalue the baby s arrival whether it is a boy or a girl.
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Chinese Conception Chart for 2024
Are you indeed ready to welcome a new little baby to your personal life for the coming year?
Get help from this famous prediction chart following one survey made in the hospital s delivery room.
Speaking of it, the chart has its origin in the Chinese Farmer Almanac like every year.
Indeed, it s indicated that the gender prediction chart is currently bearing such a high rate of precision. What s the most common information about this tool is properly how this gender predictor works based on one olden Chinese baby prediction chart.
How does this chart work?
First, it s going to base on the expectant mother s Chinese age as well as the month of her conception to divine the final results.
Right afterwards, the Chinese people would like to add their ages on the New Year Day, which must be arisen from the Chinese Lunar calendar for sure. Right then, let s wait and see how the baby gender predictor could ever do when it comes to the lunar calendar calculator.
This could definitely help to divine the baby sex in an easier way.
Follow the steps as below to use the tool online:
- Choose the mother s birthday and her date of conception based on the Gregorian calendar.
- Type into the textbox your time zone, or basically follow the Chinese lunar calendar which will vary from various time zones.
- Make sure to click on ‘Submit button just to achieve the baby sex results, Chinese age, and lunar month right at the conception.
- Locate the time zone.
Chinese Lunar Calendar
For centuries, human beings have created a system which displays the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks and days.
Thanks to the system, people can organize and arrange days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purposes. Up to now, despite the appearance of several common calendars such as Gregorian calendar, Islamic calendar, the popular interest in Chinese lunar calendar still persists.
Unlike other calendars which are based on solar years regarding to a period between sunrise and sunset, Chinese lunar calendar is purposefully constructed with the concept of the moon. In that sense, days are numbered within each lunar phase cycle.
Many scientists concur that although a lunar calendar generally drifts against the seasons, it turns to be very helpful in terms of evaluating high tide or low tide – the regular change in the level of the sea on the shore.
It is informed that Chinese lunar calendar has 12 months along with 353, 354 or 355 days which are calculated as 11 days less than a tropical year. For the purpose of bringing Chinese year cycle in line with the tropical year cycle, our ancestors have invented a leap year which is after every 3 years.
Under that light, a leap year will consist of 13 months associated with a leap month.
Additionally, it should be born in mind that each year in Chinese Lunar Calendar is mapped by 12 animals, namely Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, and Pig.
Interestingly, we can find dozens of Chinese cartoons depicting the history of such animal arrangement.
Get Chinese Lunar Calendar 2024 for Free!
In the big picture of Chinese lunar calendar, year 2024 is the year of the Pig (also referred to as a Chinese term: Gui-Hai).
Within minutes, you are welcomed to take the Calendar with nice-looking landscape and easy-followed interface at ease; print it or save it for free via online service. The calendar is full with the twelve months along with their associated public holidays written in Chinese and English.
In a word, Chinese lunar calendar 2024 is a helpful device as a time-keeping system which records recent experience, informs current affairs and prepares for upcoming events throughout the year 2024.
Chinese Gender Predictor 2024 FREE Online

Are you trying to conceive, ladies? Will it be a boy or a girl?
This free calculator for predicting your baby s gender for 2024 has come from a Chinese practice used for centuries.
Are you on the way planning the sex of your unborn child for the upcoming year?
The gender finder based on Chinese calendar as well as Solar calendar will help you find out the truth. The moon phase in relation to the rotation of the Sun plays a role in what gender the baby will be at the time of conception.
The age of the mother while adding on an extra 9 months is also a part of the calculation.
Of course, all the expectant mothers are curious of what gender their baby will be.
For those who have a plan to conceive a baby at the end of this year, you re suggested to try the just-for-fun Chinese pregnancy calendar calculator. It will predict your child s sex according to the date of birth of the mother and the date of conception.
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Accuracy of Chinese Gender Predictor
The accuracy of this calculator has much to depend on.
It is believed to date back to the 13th century; up to this day, it still has been used commonly by numerous couples because of its undeniable accuracy. Chinese pregnancy predictor is a guide to help you narrow down your guess – so instead of leaving everything up to a mystery, you are free to make use of this to have your own answer.
In detail, the predictor will be in charge of converting the age and conception date to the Chinese year form prior to indeed showing the final results as mentioned by the chart.
When it comes to baby gender prediction, the online tool based on Chinese lunar calendar is more than 90% accurate. Yet, there is no guarantee that it works perfectly well in all situations.
It is said that Baby Gender Predictor for 2024 using the Chinese chart has a high degree of accuracy, despite no scientific evidence to support high level of accuracy.
This tool has grown popular with expectant mothers, since they completely have the irresistible urge within to verify the gender of their babies. Such an easy method, that s why a large number of newlyweds love to give it a try.
Even though I have ensured you all about the accuracy of the gender finder tool, I expect you to only consider it as a fun way of determining the baby gender.
It is important use the Chinese baby gender calculator s report just for entertainment purpose. You ll find there are more scientific methods of gender prediction which provide baby sex forecast with better accuracy.
In Conclusion
One actual Chinese birth chart or natal chart would be supposedly designed for the divination purposes, like predicting the real gender of an unborn baby at around 93% of accuracy.
This is such a great opportunity for everyone to be able to figure out whether that legend has come to the reality or not.
What we commonly know about this method is how an ancient calendar really helps every mother-to-be to get a quick glimpse at their own babies before the date of their birth. This is actually a simple quiz for them to complete.
Guess what?
The potential results certainly spill the beans all about the probability of the child, especially when it comes to their genders.
Just do not waste your valuable time anymore in this case. Whenever any woman gets pregnant, she would be dying to be aware if a boy or girl is going to be given birth in the future. Then don t worry much about that since the Chinese gender chart 2024 is an effective method of allowing all pregnant women to discover their very own pregnancy.
Thanks to this gender prediction tool, you can tell the gender of your unborn child fast and effortlessly.
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