Chinese Gender Chart has universally committed as the top-voted tool for baby gender prediction that helps the expectant moms to know whether or not they will have baby boys. Being formulated by the Chinese centuries ago, the ancient Chart rises to fame as the online baby gender selection and planning tool. In addition to the puzzles of gender forecasts, the Chart also aids us in planning how to get pregnant with a boy or how to give birth to a girl.
Primarily based on the calculation of Chinese Pregnancy Calendar, the Chart works on the basis of the mother’s lunar age and the lunar month of conception! Please note that your Gregorian age must be converted into the Chinese one in order to utilize the Chart accurately! The wrong input definitely leads to the misinterpretation about the child’s sex as well as the misguidance on conceiving the baby of expected gender.
Use Chinese Gender Chart for Gender Prediction
By knowing clearly the Chinese age at the time of conception and the conception month, the mothers-to-be find it easy to utilize the Chart and guess the children’s sex before the virtual birth. For instance, the 22-year-old women that get pregnant during the months of February, March, May, and August are likely to conceive a baby BOY. Otherwise, if their pregnancy begins from the months of January, April, June, and July, they have the tendency to give birth to a baby GIRL.
Thanks to the existence of the Chinese Gender Calendar 2024 available, it is feasible to know how to get pregnant with a baby girl or boy during the advantageous months. When accessing the sites offering the FREE Chinese Birth Chart Calculator, take at ease to enter your lunar age and the month of conception. Remember that the pregnancy-related time must be the lunar one! In most cases, the Online Calculator helps to convert the age and month into the Chinese format in order to perform the calculation exactly.

Whether you are looking for a boy or a girl in the year of 2024, it is extremely healthy to work with the ancient Chinese Chart for gender prediction. With no sign of badness, the tool assists the pregnant women in carrying well with the fulfilled curiosity and released wonder. The art of predicting the gender of the unborn child is what every mom needs to build up the parental bond in the very early days of pregnancy.
Plan for Baby Gender Prior To Conception with Chinese Birth Chart
With the Chinese Gender Chart in hand, ones can take advantage of the Chinese wisdom and get it applied to plan for baby gender before the time of conception. That helps to predetermine the sex of the kids! For example, the 23-year-old women that desire to have a baby BOY are advised to get conceived during the months of January, February, April, May, July, September, October, and November. In that sense, the leftover months are advantageous for carrying a baby GIRL. Being first found in the royal tomb at Beijing, the ancient Chart enables the modern couples to know when to conceive a BOY in 2024 or which months to get pregnant with a girl in 2016.
None can replace the Chinese Birth Chart’s validity in the real life contexts. Even though the Chart is not utilized with 100% accuracy, it is inspirational enough to bring the mothers closer to the unborn kids’ sex in the gentle demeanor. In addition to trying to identify the gender of the baby via the fetal movement, heartbeat rate or food cravings, also try the Chinese Lunar Calendar Method with over 50% of the time it makes the right call!
For more relevant details about the title “Chinese Gender Calendar 2024“, please leave the demanding queries in the following contact forms now.
I want to have a boy which months to have a boy in 2014 and 2015
daily baby gender
i want to have a baby girl, which months to have a girl in 2014 and 2015
I want to have twice baby girl which months to have a twice baby girl and how do do it in 2014 and 2015
Hi. I am 35 and pregnant with my 3Rd girl. I’m desperate to have a son one day before I’m too old if I haven’t gotten there already ha ha. How ever I am not regular so planning a baby is always hit and miss as I can’t work it around my ovulation cycle. Is there any way you can help. Obviously boy child is a blessing and the fact I’ve been blessed with 3 already I count myself very blessed. This would be our last try as 4 kids is enough. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have three boys and I want a girl so badly.My DOB is 07/15/78. I want to have it in 2015. Thank you.
hi my dob is 6/11/1982 i want a baby boy in 2015 ,could you pls tell me.
hi my dob is 6/11/1982 i want a baby boy in 2015 ,could you pls tell me which
months have boy.
My DOB is Oct 3 1990. I want to conceive with baby boy. Please let me know the months that favour for baby boy in 2015.
my DOB 15december 1985 ,I want a baby boy in 2015.could you pls tell me.thank you
My DOB is nov 17 1984. I want to conceive with baby boy. Please let me know the months that favour for baby boy in 2015
I am 33yrs old. My dob is 2/11/ i want to conceive a baby boy in please tell me which month is suitable for me.
Hi I am Ashwini from Bangalore, i am married in 2009 & have a girl baby (Her date of brth 10-Jan-2011), Today i checked with doctor & told that i am pregnant, My last LMP was 26/Dec/2014, now i need to have a boy baby & my husband is forcing me to remove my baby with tablets, so i need a boy baby, please help me,,,,or else i will be lossing my child….if you want to talk my number is +91 9620800973.
My date of birth is 12/April/1989
You should be having a boy according to 2014 and 2015 Calendar, Ashwini.
my wife birthdate 17.08.1986 i want boy please help me.
i want boy
after the MP of June 2016 you have plenty of months to conceive BB
My DOB is 06 Feb 1976. I want baby boy which month will good for being pregnant.
My date of birth is 07-06-1987 I want baby boy pls tell me .
my birthday 17.12.1982 i want boy plz tell me which month is suitable for me
hi my name is atohi n my date of birth is 1989/4/30.I want to know which month is more effective for born baby boy? n one thing my first conceive date is 2015/2/6… plz ans
hi I am arohi my date of birth is 1989/4/30 and my 1 st concib is on 6/2/2015 n last concib is 10/2/2015 according to this 4 days what will have fertilized boy or girl?
My date of birth is 02-03-1984 I want baby boy pls tell me .
My date of birth is 27/5/1977.please which months are mine likely to have baby boy in 2015
My date of birth is 27/5/1977.please which months are am i likely to have baby boy in 2015
my wife birth date iz January 1987 nd we need boy, pls which month iz the best for as in whole 2015? plz
Hi, My Date of Birth is 11/16/1983. I want to conceive a baby boy in 2015, please help me and let me know the months when to try..
am pregnant nw my lmp is feb 21st my husband needs male baby my date of birth s 9th december 1982
My Date of birth is 16th April 1983 I want baby boy which months are likely to have a baby boy in this year 2015
My DOB is 20 Dec 1984 and LMP was 22 Dec 2014,What would I expect.Conception might happen on Jan 2015.
I am having two girls desperately want a baby boy my DOB is 06.09.1978
my dob 13/09/83 I went boby boy please help me my LMP 8/3/15
I am having 11 year daughter i want to baby boy please help me… my d.o.b. is 19 oct 1980.
Hi. My dob is 9/7/82plz tell me ;when ihave a chance to a boy baby . plz reply me on my Gmail . lm waiting ……
My dob 26/4/77 want to concevie girl child please help me months
My DOB is 08/12/89; I want a baby boy, can I pregnant July 2015. Please send me proposed months for baby boy
My dob is 14th jan 1985….wanna concieve a boy…wat r the best months…kindly reply
My DOB is oct 24th 1982 now i want a baby boy so which month i have to conceive in year 2015 to birth a baby boy .
We have 2 beautiful girls and my husband and I would like a little boy so we are planning to start to have a 2016 baby. My d.o.b is 4/18/85 what months should we try for a boy?
my dob is 3/24/83 i m pregnant of two months now what would i aspect
My dob is 24-08-1984 now I want baby boy so which month i have to conceive in this year
My dob is august 24, 1984 now I want baby boy so which month I have conceive in year 2015 to birth baby boy
3 6 1986 please daso baby girl and boy aa
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii please daso ji baby boy aa j baby girl aa
I am having very beautiful 4 years daughter and now i want a baby boy to complete my family . which month i should is june will be fine pls reply
We have a 4boys already..and im pregnant now i want a baby dob is july 22 1982.. and my lmp is march 26 actually its my first day montly period.. so what i have a baby….pls help me
If actually you are 33 years now and you will have your baby on March 2016, Definitely you will have a Baby Girl.
@ juanie gallardo says: If actually you are 33 years now and you will have your baby on March 2016, Definitely you will have a Baby Daughter.
my dob is26/8/1983. i want a baby boy this year 2015 which month i have to conceive . please reply
My birth date is 9 may 1987,I have 4 year baby girl. would like a little boy so we are planning to start to have a 2015 baby.
my dob is 13 april 1988 now i want baby boy so which month i have to concive in this year
My dob is 11 april 1988;i wantbl baby boy so which month i concive in 2015?
19 oct 1979, period is 12 june 2015,went is my next window for baby boy
my dob is 29/12/88.i want to have a boy child.when should i concieve in which month
18.7.77 i want get pregnent for a baby girl which month please
My date of birth is28 feb 1982 and I have two girl babies and I want aboy.please tell me witch are the dates are likely to concive a boy.
My dob 14 Oct. 1985,want to have a baby boy.
My DOB is 15august 1985 I want a baby boy which time would be the best in 2015 year please tell me
My dob is 14-01-1986 please tel me for conceive baby boy in 2015 and 2016 please,thank you
My DOB: 17-Jan-1988. I need a baby boy in year 2016. Please suggest me in which month I should conceive in year 2016?
Thanks for your reply.
My birth date is 3 July 1994… I already have girl daughter who is 1& a half year… I am now again conceiving my lmp date is 5 feb 2015…will i get baby boy
My d.o.b is 11th feb 1983 i want to conceive a baby boy which months are correct for me
hi my DOB is 24/1/1981 I want baby boy in 2015 which month is best .thanks
My d.o.b is 28/07/1987 I have 1 female child one and half my lmp is 18/08/2015. I can birth male baby
Age 23..I am pregannant 40 days what’s the baby
Am pregnant now, my dob January 1985 and my lmp is October 8 2015. so what i have a baby….pls help me
My date of birth is 6/10/1992.i have a 1 year old baby complte my family I want t give birth to baby boy in 2016…so which months r better can u plz tell me
hi my DOB is 10/11/1979. I want baby boy in 2016 which month is best .thanks
My birth date is 21 January 1986 .i m pregnant since August 2015 wt am I having boy or a girl plzz reply soon
Hello my DOB is 29/1/85 .I want baby boy in 2016…pls help which month is best dob is 22nd march 1986 and would lke to have a boy in 2016 or 2017..pls advise which month to be conceive to get a baby boy?thanks in advance
Am 22 years by the calender and I have two sons all ready i would like to conceive of a baby girl this year what are my best months to go about it
I am 39 years old and I was diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve and very bad prognosis of having a baby with my own eggs. I was even given the option to consider donor eggs. That was around july 2014. I was absolutely devastated with the news and I arranged an IVF for November 2014 and it failed also, given that I had nothing to lose, I contacted on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) and he send me his herbal product,. Believe it or not… I am already pregnant!
I want real Chinese calendar my dob 26july1984
Now am 30 weeks Lmp 25 July what is the sex of my unborn baby.
Pls I want a baby boy. Tell me the months I should conceive. DOB 14 Sept a Nigerian